Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pixics Hello Kitty Mac Giveaway...I think my heart skipped a beat

Ok, my heart beats faster when I talk about a lot of things, but seriously this time I think it jumped out of my chest. 

photo used with permission

Gorgeous right! And P.S. it's like the easiest contest to enter ever!

Just head over the the giveaway page and give those peeps some info, such as:
-name and e-mail
-facebook lovin'
-comments (cause who doesn't love those)

Do it! You know you want to. And while you're there, please love their Hangover inspired shirt and amazing couple shirts that I might just have to break down and buy for the boy snail and I. I mean...we do kinda live on the phone.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Boy, Toys, and Staying Sane

It's not that I've been busy or something. 

But when your job goes south and your boy snail lives in Virginia and pumpkins are just too darn expensive to buy everyday you sometimes lose interest. 

So you paint, you read, you blow bubbles...

...and you talk. To yourself, to your mom, to your roommate, to Jesus. 

You have a good weekend, you skype with the boy snail, you admire pumpkins from afar, you blow some more bubbles, and you remember the wonderful thing that is life. 

"We tend to value order and control over randomness, but when we lose randomness, we also lose serendipity." - Dalton Conley

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reasons why today was perfect:

- drinking out of my new giraffe mug
- 70 degree weather
- drink from Potter's House
- amazing feedback from my teacher
- 6 months with Isaac Matthew Cole today
- pumpkins have been spotted

What made your day perfect today?

Pack Up - Eliza Doolittle

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Memory 16

I have an excuse this time for being late!
(normally I don't. please don't spoil my excitement)

I had a wonderful Friday blog post planned, but then got violently ill (I've always wanted to use that phrase) on Friday night and didn't even have the energy to post it.

But...because of my illness I was taken back to those days (when I was very little, I was rarely sick in high school) when my mommy would bring my jello and sprite and tuck me in my bed with my favorite baby doll...

don't judge...still not feeling perfect

She's a classic Cabbage Patch doll that burps when you push her back. I've had her since before I can remember. She's my first (and favorite) toy I've ever owned. 

What was your favorite toy growing up?